Call of the Void 
Laura Rokas - Erik Bender

October 4 – November 9  

Call of the Void 
Laura Rokas - Erik Bender

Opens Friday, October 4, 6 - 9 pm
October 4 – November 9 

1599fdT is thrilled to announce the opening of Call of the Void, a two-person exhibition by artists Laura Rokas and Erik Bender. Featuring a new collection of paintings and sculptures, the artists juxtapose the allure of beauty and perfection with the seductive pull of destructive urges, reflecting on how individuals confront vulnerability as a method of fostering resilience and reclaiming control. 

The title, Call of the Void, refers to the fleeting and often misunderstood urge to engage in self-destructive behavior, such as a sudden desire to veer off a cliff or jump from a tall building. This paradoxical phenomenon, hypothesized to be a misinterpreted safety signal, underpins the thematic exploration of coping with danger, perfectionism, and pain ultimately embracing the void as a path to survival and empowerment.

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